Content Writing Solutions & Copywriting Services
Content Writing Solutions, including copywriting services are developed by our content writers and copywriters that are well-versed in search engine optimization, digital marketing, social media strategy, and project & program management garnering us well-rounded website content writing and copywriting strategy experts.
We provide ‘Done-for-You’ and ‘DIY’ SEO copywriting solutions, research services, and other specialized types of content writing services such as Press Releases with press distributions, Press Kits (Media Kits), Business Plans, Articles, Newsletters, eBooks, Keynote Speeches, Primary or Secondary Market Research, Killer Ad writings for Google and other platforms, etc.
E-Zen I-Marketing and Research, LLC can assist you with your existing content or write SEO-friendly content from scratch, providing you with ‘DIY’ or ‘Done-for-You’ alternatives.

We ensure topics, titles, keywords and formatting are designed to engage your targeted audiences and support your website goals to inform or your business’ marketing campaign goals for selling or recommending awesome products. Whether we’ve custom written website content, press releases, blog articles and more from scratch or at your request, use the content provided by you, we always create metrics that can be analyzed for performance results. These metrics inform you and us how well the content is being received by the intended audiences that allows us to make tweaks to the content to maximize results. Use the form below to Request a Quote for Content Writing Solutions to meet any of your writing needs.
As guest bloggers, ourselves, for some of our clients, check out one of our Guest Blog Articles and one of our Case Studies to see how we worked together with our clients to achieve their success.
Also check out our Ghostwriting Solutions too! Note: If you need more clarification on what a ghostwriter does, then in a nutshell, ghostwriters write books and articles for others at a predetermined and agreed upon fee or for a percentage of royalties because the ghostwriter writes the book without having their name appear on the work, hence ghost, while the author of the work takes all the credit for everything. Although our ghostwriting solutions could be considered as part of our content writing solutions it is separated because ghostwriting services are considered offline activities that may or may not have a connection with a client’s website. Visit our our Ghostwriting Solutions page to learn more about our ghostwriting services which involves a series of interviews and phone discussions within our project management processes to bring your dream of becoming a published author to fruition!